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Home > QMS Catalogue - English > Mainca > Mainca CM-14 Bowl Cutter-Chopper
Mainca CM-14 Bowl Cutter-Chopper

Mainca CM-14 Bowl Cutter-Chopper

Tabletop model ideal for pilot plants and home-made products.

Bowl Capacity in litres: 14 l.
Bowl Capacity in Kg: ± 9 Kg.

Equipped with two knife speeds combined with two bowl speeds.

Power of Knives Motor:
1st speed:  2.5 HP / 1.8 kW (1,500 rpm at 50Hz and 1,800 rpm at 60Hz)
2nd speed: 3.5 HP / 2.6 kW (3,000 rpm at 50Hz and 3,600 rpm at 60Hz)

Power of Bowl Motor:
1st speed: 0.12 HP / 0.09 kW (10 rpm at 50Hz and 12 rpm at 60Hz)
2nd speed: 0.20 HP / 0.15 kW (20 rpm at 50Hz and 24 rpm at 60Hz)

It can work with 3 or 6 knives. Equipped with 3 standard knives.

Dimensions of base:  70 x 48 cm
Construction: fully made of stainless steel 18/10.